Month September 2022

What is: Parkinson’s Disease Dementia?

Parkinson’s disease is a disorder in the central nervous system. The central nervous system (CNS) processes information and sends motor signals through the body in response. Thus, Parkinson’s disease often affects motor functions, resulting in involuntary movements, such as tremors…

Virtual Visits 2.0

Conversations to Remember has rolled out new software to support our virtual visits. This new chat system is being used already to identify new volunteers for our visits. Instead of asking everyone for their availability at the start of each…

Announcement: Second Annual C2R Talk-a-thon

After a successful debut in December 2021, the annual C2R Talk-a-thon returns for its second year. The  C2R Talk-a-thon is a 15-day campaign hosted by Conversations to Remember with the goal of raising money and awareness for senior loneliness and…