We often think that isolation can lead to loneliness, but the opposite is also true. Of course, someone who is isolated from people – or isolated from exposure to new and different people – could become lonely. However, there is evidence that people who are lonely can self-isolate, further exacerbating their loneliness.
Loneliness, a pervasive and intricate emotion, has the power to influence human behavior in profound ways. One common manifestation of loneliness is the tendency to self-isolate. This retreat from social interactions can have various underlying causes, shedding light on the complex relationship between loneliness and self-imposed solitude.
The Nature of Loneliness
Loneliness is often described as a subjective emotional state. It is not solely determined by the number of social connections an individual has. Instead, it hinges on the self-perceived quality of those connections. A person can feel lonely when surrounded by friends or family, because they sense that the connections do not fill a void that they have.

Why Self-Isolate?
1. Fear of Rejection:
One primary reason individuals who are lonely tend to self-isolate is the fear of rejection. They project their perception that they’re not approved of by one group onto other groups, and avoid those groups to prevent the anticipated rejection. The haunting apprehension that others might not accept or appreciate them can be paralyzing. This fear, rooted in a deep-seated desire for social belonging, leads people to withdraw, thus creating a protective barrier against potential rejection.
2. Negative Self-Perception:
Some individuals self-isolate because they interpret their loneliness as being caused by their inadequacy. This negative self-perception can convince them to believe that they are inherently unlikable or unworthy of meaningful connections. This becomes a driving force behind the decision to self-isolate, as individuals believe they are sparing others from their perceived inadequacies.
3. Communication Apprehension:
Loneliness can contribute to communication apprehension, making social interactions seem daunting and anxiety-inducing. The fear of saying the wrong thing or being unable to connect with others on a meaningful level becomes a powerful motivator for self-isolation. This may lead individuals to avoid social situations altogether.
4. Control Over the Environment
Since the person feeling lonely desires a social state where they have social connections that fulfill them, and they are being denied those social connections, they perceive that the power to fulfill their desires lies in the hands of others. In other words, they are unable to force others to be their friends. While self-imposed isolation does not grant them the relief from loneliness that they desire, it does put them in the position where they’re controlling the situation. In solitude, they can create a space where external influences are minimized, allowing them to manage their emotional state more effectively. This control becomes a refuge from the unpredictability and potential emotional volatility of social interactions.
The connection between loneliness and self-isolation is a nuanced and intricate phenomenon, and the solution is never as easy as a simple prescription. Breaking the cycle requires addressing both the emotional and behavioral components.