Call for Action: Make Cards for your Local Seniors Today!
Card making is an activity as old as time. It’s simple, yet it brings so much joy. Card making is a fun, relaxing activity that you can do as an individual, with friends and family, or as a part of a community organization, and it truly can brighten people’s day. Many seniors experience loneliness and feel disconnected from the outside world as they age, and handmade cards can help bridge that gap.
Here’s how you can get started:
Reach out to local senior living communities: Before you start creating, make sure that your local senior living communities are open to the idea of donated cards. If you donate cards, the people working at the local senior living community would need to check and distribute them, which adds more work to the employee’s already busy days, so don’t be discouraged if the first few senior living communities you contact say no. If you find a community that says yes, then that’s great! Make sure to get all the necessary details from them, such as any important information about their residents, any rules they may have for the written contents and the materials used for the cards. Drop-off information for the day of the donation is important as well!
Gather supplies: Paper and a writing utensil will suffice, but if allowed by the senior living community you are donating to, feel free to be creative and use other decorative items like stickers, ribbons, and more. You want to make sure that you are putting in effort when making these cards. Remember the golden rule – gift cards to seniors that you would love to receive yourself!
General rules for making cards: Ask the place you are donating to if they have specific rules for their cards, but, in general, unless otherwise told by the senior living community, it is recommended to refrain from making religious statements, referencing something negative (such as being alone, forgotten, or unwell), and making promises (such as stating that their health will improve or that more people will come to visit them). You typically don’t know who is going to receive your card, so you want to make sure to be as inclusive as possible! Make sure your writing is large and legible, and create a positive card that brings joy to the recipient.
Donate cards: Once you’ve created the cards, drop them off at your local senior living community, following the instructions that they’ve provided. After donating, be sure to follow up with the senior living community to ensure that the cards you’ve donated have been distributed to seniors.
Spread the word: Encourage others to join this initiative – the more, the merrier! Some ways you can inform others are through social media, community bulletin boards, or word of mouth. Share your experience and inspire others to do the same. You can even organize your own card-making events in schools, community centers, or at home with friends and family. Think big!
Although we often overlook the power of a simple gesture, we must remember that small acts of kindness can make a significant impact. A handmade card can brighten a senior’s day and remind them that they are loved and remembered, so take a little time out of your day to make cards for local seniors today! Your thoughtful creations can bring smiles and joy to those who need it most.