C2R Writers

C2R Writers

The Impact of Religion on Dementia

Religion is defined as a shared, group-centered practice around a belief in a higher power, and can be classified as monotheism, polytheism, animism, totemism, or atheism. The relationship with a spiritual being has been credited for helping religious people answer…

Conversations to Remember Earns Guidestar Platinum Seal

We’re thrilled to announce that Conversations to Remember (C2R) has earned the Guidestar Platinum Seal of Transparency! This recognition represents the highest level of transparency that a nonprofit can achieve on GuideStar, a trusted platform for evaluating nonprofits. This distinction…

Art and Music Therapy for People Living with Dementia

There are many benefits of art and music therapy for people living with dementia. These therapies are becoming increasingly recognized as effective because they can facilitate cognitive engagement, emotional expression, and social interaction. As a bonus, they serve as creative…

Living Options for a Person with Dementia: Memory Care

Throughout this series of articles, we’re examining various living options available to those with dementia. Thus far, we’ve discussed living with family and in-home care. For some individuals, memory care may be a more suitable option. In this article, we’ll…