Brianna Gigliotti

Brianna Gigliotti

How Alzheimer’s Disease Progresses

Alzheimer’s disease is a brain disease that impacts memory, thinking and behavior. Symptoms of Alzheimer’s tend to gradually develop over years, and worsen over time. The disease generally progresses in three main stages: early, middle and late. Alzheimer’s disease affects…

What is Parkinson’s Disease?

Parkinson’s disease is a common condition that is estimated to affect at least 1 percent of people aged 60 and over around the world. It is the most common motor brain disease, and the second most common age-related degenerative brain…

Mental Health Action Day 2023

Taking action to help with mental health issues is important at Conversations to Remember. Many individuals, including senior citizens, experience challenges with mental health. Seniors may face issues like depression due to loneliness and cognitive decline from dementia. Through Conversations…

Technology Safety Tips for Seniors

It is important for seniors to understand how to use technology safely. From being aware of scams to choosing strong passwords, there are several factors to consider when it comes to technology use and safety. With these tips, seniors can…